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5th Annual Tribute to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - "When Love Changes Things"

Monday January 16, 2023 9:30 am - 8:00 pm
Edmonds Waterfront Center220 Railroad AvenueEdmonds WA 980204257745555
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Morning Program

Cost: FREE
When: 9:30 am - 11:30 am

What: Storytelling, dance, song, art activity, self defense and healthy snack making

A Beloved Community – Morning Program for children and families will take place from 9:30 to 11:30 am also on January 16 at the Edmonds Waterfront Center. Admission to the Morning Program is free and will feature local performers in addition to a variety of fun activities specially designed for children and families.

Evening Program

Ticketed event: General Admission tickets are $15. Tickets can be purchased through Eventbrite: levlmlk2023.eventbrite.com

  • When: 5:30 pm Reception
  • When: 6:00-8:00 pm Performance

Presenting both Morning and Evening Programs for the first time at the Edmonds Waterfront Center (EWC), Lift Every Voice Legacy (LEVL) announced today Leilani Miller, Executive Director of Millennia Ministries, an Everett-based Snohomish County service organization dedicated to breaking the chains of poverty, injustice and oppression by providing food, housing, clothing and spiritual enlightenment to marginalized communities, will be the featured storyteller in the “When Love Changes Things” 5th Annual Tribute to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - Inspiring a Beloved Community in Song, Spoken Word and Dance on January 16, 6 pm at EWC. The event is produced in partnership with the Edmonds Waterfront Center and with major funding from the Hazel Miller Foundation.

Both Morning and Evening Programs are designed to inspire Dr. King’s vision of a Beloved Community – a local living environment free of hatred, injustice and poverty. Miller’s personal story of what happens “When Love Changes Things” has set her on a lifelong path of helping others in need through social, economic and spiritual means. She is also last year’s recipient of LEVL’s Beloved Community Award for her unwavering commitment to serving the most vulnerable citizens of our community during the pandemic.

For a fifth straight year, returning performances by Pacific Northwest renowned Gospel, R&B and Jazz vocalist Josephine Howell and her Band and Barclay Shelton Dance Centre will be an additional highlight to the evening program. Robert Taylor Jr., an Edmonds author, mental health consultant and highly sought-after national speaker, will serve as a co-host and personal storyteller. The Greater Everett MLK Celebration Ensemble also will be featured in the program with a special opening performance.

Donnie Griffin, LEVL’s Founder and President, call this year’s event “an examination of hate versus love and how we are personally affected by both. Our inspiration comes from Dr. King who said ‘By its very nature, hate destroys and tears down; love creates and builds up.’ We can never lose focus of this higher goal of “love creates” and our program is designed to lift that value up in song, storytelling and dance,” Griffin said. He continued, “It’s a message we need right now as hate is increasingly showing its ugly face and destructive ways in churches, synagogues, airplanes, schools, social media and in public gatherings usually associated with fun and celebrations. As Dr. King has taught us, ‘Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.’”


All Ages Event


free or low cost


The Morning Program is Free to attend

The Evening Program is a Ticketed Event: General Admission tickets are $15. Tickets can be purchased through Eventbrite: levlmlk2023.eventbrite.com

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